Thursday, February 7, 2008


Homeopathy, I coolly answer.
The topic of what I do for a living was once again under questioning, this time by a co-worker at my husbands new job Christmas party.
I give my 60 seconds or less answer.
"A substance that can cause symptoms in a well person can also cure those same symptoms in a sick person."
Still that glazed look. (As if that's unfamiliar to me).
I try again........this time with my famous example that's sure to make him say "Oooooohhh" and nod his head.
"Example - "When you're in the kitchen chopping onions you get watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing, right?" "Well if you have a cold, hay fever or allergies with these same symptoms taking a homeopathic remedy made from onions will cure you."
I get my desired "Oooooohhh" and a nod, and I'm feeling pretty good cause I've just educated one more person about homeopathy.
We chat a few more minutes till I get distracted by the bartender who's just come with my drink.
I turn back to the conversation to find my wonderfully attentive, now well educated about homeopathy, student, explaining to someone else, "She went to school for 4 years to learn how to make homosexuals get well -- COOL!"

And these are the people my husband works with.